Decent work and economic growth

lavoro dignitoso

SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth

Sustainable economic growth requires our societies, as a basic condition, to ensure opportunities for dignified, quality jobs and working conditions
Gruppo Boero knows that it has the fundamental role of ensuring, on a daily basis, for everyone in the company, the possibility not only to work in dignified surroundings, but also that long-lasting, inclusive and sustainable growth in all areas – economically, personal and professional.

Our commitment

Our mission is to continue to act with integrity, carry out business in an ethically correct way, treat and manage people with dignity and respect, promoting listening and communication, identifying the opportunities that are most in line with the skills and expectations. Of each person, respecting the limits of others, acting for all and not for a few.




recruited trainees


co-existing generations

16 years

avarage company seniority


hours average for training for employee

lavoro dignitoso

Boero constantly strives to foster and enhance a work environment inspired by respect, fairness and collaboration.

Our people

gestione selezione del personale

Personnel selection and recruitment management

We have a natural orientation to support gender equity with policies regarding all employees so that all may grow thanks to their particular abilities and in accordance with the Group’s meritocratic policies.

politiche di remunerazione

Remuneration policies

The issue of remuneration is an element that deeply affects staff motivation and, as an obvious consequence, performance. Boero’s remuneration policies are linked to incentive systems that also leverage non-financial indicators.

gestione e sviluppo delle persone

People development management

Working at Boero also means constantly dealing with a challenging market, where it is necessary to keep up to date on various topics.  It is a commitment that is required of all people, but it represents a great opportunity to grow in a transversal way. We have also tried out individual coaching, as a tool for strengthening one’s qualities, and group coaching, which has made the sense of team even stronger.

Impact stories

smart working

Smart working

We adopt solutions to improve the work-life balance. Since 2020, home-working has been implemented as a way to overcome the problem of presence in offices during the pandemic, then it has been expanded and regulated internally through an agreement signed by the trade union representatives in 2022.

il team di comunicazione

The Group Communication team

The creation of the Group Communication Team is an example of a positive initiative, born in a highly critical context, in March 2020 following the pandemic emergency and with the aim of making the company feel close to its employees at a time when physical distancing was at a maximum. Since then, the team has evolved and placed increasing emphasis on internal communication tools to strengthen the spirit of belonging and to keep all employees informed of key company events.

Goals and Challenges

We want to be attentive to grasping the different perspectives and values that characterise new and future generations and implementing a specific training plan, to be integrated within the general training, that incorporates environmental and social principles and practices, in order to spread the Group’s culture of sustainability.

sfide e obiettivi


Gruppo Boero

We are constantly on the lookout for experiences, knowledge, and points of view different from ours to achieve plans and ideas capable to overcome more successfully the challenges posed by  society and the market today.

Discover more

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