Network & partners

network e partners

SDG 17 – Partnership for the goals

To speed progress towards a sustainable ecosystem, all – governments, businesses, non-profit organisations, individuals – must work together and establish a common vision and shared goals that put people and the planet at the centre. Boero knows that it must act and that it must do so knowing that each one of its activities generates an impact within an ecosystem of interdependent stakeholders. For this reason, it believes it is of fundamental importance to continue to operate and seek new partners who want to share deeply the same vision geared towards sustainability.

Our commitment

We want to be more and more protagonists, together with all our stakeholders, of an ecosystemic change, increasingly forging new relationships with the ultimate goal of regeneration.



more than 20

active partnership


active projects with research institutes and universities

Our Impact

We believe in the value of networking to develop new ideas able to generate opportunities, not only of business, for the company and for clients. Over the years we have found reliable partners, with a significant history in their sector, capable of dialogue for mutual development.

network e partners

The strength to bring about an improvement depends on the efforts made by each of us, but we know that the impact of many, directed towards the same goal and achieved together, is capable of generating positive change for all.

The value of relationships

The strength to bring about an improvement depends on the efforts made by each of us, but we know that the impact of many, directed towards the same goal and achieved together, is capable of generating positive change for all.

Impact story

water revolution

Water Revolution Fondation

We wanted to embark on a journey with Water Revolution Foundation in order to adopt a constructive and collaborative approach within the yacht market, that can facilitate the transition towards products with a lower environmental impact and that do not harm the oceans.



We have  always collaborated with Universities, in particular with the University of Genoa due to its bond with the territory where the company was born. Collaboration projects are periodically launched with the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry of the University of Genoa in the research and development area.

Challenges and objectives

Becoming more and more active partners within the trade associations with increasing effectiveness in contributing to the achievement of the objectives.

sfide e obiettivi


Gruppo Boero

We are constantly on the lookout for experiences, knowledge, and points of view different from ours to achieve plans and ideas capable to overcome more successfully the challenges posed by  society and the market today.

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