Good health and well-being

salute e benessere

SDG 3 – Good health and well-being

To achieve sustainable development, it is fundamental to ensure a healthy life for all people of all ages and promote their well-being. Although great progress has been made on human health and living conditions, many more efforts are required to address a number of various health-related matters. With respect to these, Boero ensures that its manufacturing activities are conducted in utmost safety and that the well-being of all its people is a priority.

Our commitment

For us, well-being is not only the individual well-being but also collective, through collaboration, involvement, flexibility, security and mutual trust. It is the constant search for improvement of modes of working, and of the work environment.




of the total. Non-hazardous raw materials

New formulations:

development of reduced-impact antifouling solutions


products with EPD (environmental product declaration) handled volumes


HSE and sustainability.
Training average hours per employee

Our impact

We well know our business and we are aware that, as shown by the materiality analysis, the topic of people’s health and safety is first among the significant ones.
It sis our choice to pursue paths of regeneration and positive impact that leads it to consider a new conception of the production and distribution cycles – from the selection of raw materials, to processing, to transport – and will transform its modes of operating towards a sustainable and responsible industrial development, respectful of the planet and of all who live on it.


Work environment where the well-being of its people is placed at the centre.

Full compliance with the regulations on processed raw materials.

High standards of quality that provide for the safety of all concerned people who work at boero or use its products.

New conception of the production and distribution cycles.

A sustainable and responsible industrial development, respectful of the planet and of all who live on it.

Health and safety of our people

The Group’s guiding principles aim above all at improving the management of hazardous substances and preventing accidents and occupational illnesses through implementation of appropriate safeguards and tools of continuous monitoring. Moreover, the Group considers that all persons must be involved, each within the scope his or her tasks and responsibilities, committing themselves with determination in both the short and long terms. In this perspective, specific training on these topics and on self-observation is crucial for us.

le nostre persone

Impact story

storia hse

HSE & sustainability leadership skills

Creating  a culture of HSE and sustainability is the first step to achieve the given goals. In 2022 the Group launched the development programme “HSE & Sustainability Leadership skills”, designed in 2021. The process involved part of the senior management, middle management, supervisors and team heads. The programme is a demanding one, and will be followed up not only with classroom instruction but also with in-the-field training, giving all those in charge responsibilities to be carried out with the HSE office’s support and the commitment of Management.Globally the hours devoted to Health, Safety, Environment and Sustainability amounted to 65% of all training initiatives carried out in 2022.

Supply chain

The impact on health and well-being generated by our products also traverses the care in each step of the production and distribution phase, from suppliers to retailers; for this reason the expression “supply chain” is synonymous with quality for us. For this reason, suppliers are key stakeholders and the Group has therefore undertaken a process of supplier analysis, in orther to assess, through a specific survey, their performance in social, environmental and governance terms. 

la filiera
i consumatori


People spend most of their time in enclosed spaces; the impact of these spaces on our well-being is relevant. We wish to contribute to guarantee protects, clean spaces that ensure customers’ health, well-being and a better quality of life. For this reason, our R&D Labs have developed, both in Architecture&Deco and  Yachting, solutions aiming at improving spaces quality, appliers’ health and reducing the impacts on sea environment.

Challenges and objectives

sfide obiettivi persone


Aware of our business impact, we want to achieve the goal “zero accidents” and promote the well-being of the work environment.

la filiera

Supply chain

To be responsible in each step of our activity, we must promote a shared vision within our ecosystem and lead an accurate analysis of the value chain.

i consumatori


To find solutions capable to improve the surroundings in which the end consumers live, focussing on the development of healthier products, but also to educate consumers to more responsible consumption.


Gruppo Boero

We are constantly on the lookout for experiences, knowledge, and points of view different from ours to achieve plans and ideas capable to overcome more successfully the challenges posed by  society and the market today.

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