“Going beyond profit. We want to have a positive impact on people, on the environment and on the community in which we live and work; bringing value through our concrete actions. This is our business vision.

Giampaolo Iacone

Gruppo Boero General Manager and Cfo

Today, we recognise before us the greatest challenge that human beings have had to face: safeguarding our own well-being and maximising it, while guaranteeing future generations the same right.

intro home gruppo boero sostenibilita

Our commitment: the SDGs

Through the SDG Action Manager Tool, we have defined 7 Sdgs that could be directly correlated to the activities and services characteristic of the group, selected among the 17 goals determined by the United Nations in 2015 and presently in the “Agenda for sustainable development”.

sdg 3
sdg 11
sdg 12
sdg 13
sdg 14
sdg 17

Economic value directly generated and distributed

Our Business model is based on the capacity to create and distribute economic and social value in order to provide benefits to internal and external stakeholders. Generating positive impacts for the stakeholders and the territory. Thanks to the performance of its business activities the Group generates positive impacts for the benefit   of its stakeholders and of the geographic area in which it operates: from the creation of jobs, to the distribution of economic value along the chain of supply of goods and services, to the payment of taxes and duties.

la strategia


It is a path, which we intend to pursue with determination, convinced that sustainability is a necessary choice to continue generating beauty now and in the future, one flap of our wings at a time.


The workers are the Group’s most important asset. The care and attention given to their health and safety in the working environment  and to their professional well-being are a priority and a legal, economic and moral responsibility.



Aware of operating in a sector with a high environmental impact, we are  committed to improving the footprint of our business by striving to “do more and better with less”, by reducing resource use, degradation and pollution throughout the whole  production and distribution cycle.

comunità e territorio

Community and territory

We have always been committed to actively participating in the life of the territory through urban regeneration projects, investments and support for cultural and sports events. We have  in fact always been closely connected to the territories that hosts us, seeking to respect, preserve and give back what we have received.

Network e partners

A systemic and cooperative approach is necessary among the players active in the supply chains in order to involve all stakeholders: people, partner companies, consumers, media and local associations. We believe in the value of networking  in order to develop new ideas capable of generating opportunities, non only of business, for the company and for our clients.

network e partners
gruppo numeri


Publication of first Sustainability Report

Water revolution LCA results certificate

Interfunctional team dedicated to sustainability


Gruppo Boero

We are constantly on the lookout for experiences, knowledge, and points of view different from ours to achieve plans and ideas capable to overcome more successfully the challenges posed by  society and the market today.

Discover more

gruppo boero contatti